4 Winning DIY Woodwork Projects This Week

Reclaimed Wood Expandable Pallet Coffee Table
By: Terry Jackson
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Plan Ref: 255IP
Info: Terry sent us this photo on yesterday, he spent a weekend working on it with his son Raymond. It is now proudly displayed in Raymond's apartment in Dallas where it is admired by every guest. It took aprox 13 man hours of labour and Terry tells us the cost was $14, which was for the hinges only as its a reclaimed wood project.

Dual Outdoor Bench with Ice Box Cooler
By: Perry Ford
Location: Dover, Florida, USA
Plan Ref: 874OD
Info: This was a 6 day DIY woodwork project by Perry,  with 10 hours being put into the project in total. He tells us he is an amateur DIY enthusiast and this was his first ever attempt at following any woodwork plans. Well we thought it was such a super job and looked so professional we had to include Perry and his bench in this weeks 'hall of fame'.

Woodworkers Work Bench
By: Larry Johnston
Location:Dayton, Ohio, USA
Plan Ref: 166WP
Info: Larry is a true woodworker, and he said he likes to complete 1 full woodwork project per month but was always being slowed down by not having the right work space for his DIY build projects. So he got all selfish and built himself a new work station. Its simply amazing, Welcome to the weekly hall of fame Larry! Keeping all the Ohio woodworkers proud!

Outdoor Wooden Smoke House
By: Derek & Frank Barry
Location: Ocean Beach, San Diego, California, USA
Plan Ref: 733OD
Info: This is a really super and practical DIY build by brothers Derek and Frank. Derek tells us in his email that it was built over 2 days, even though the plans recommended 20 hrs construction time which would normally be 4-5 day build time. So far they have smoked ham and cheese in it only, but he reports back it tastes out of this world, well I would think so because its all hand made and natural. The project looks amazing and well worthy of the weekly hall of woodwork fame! Great job.

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects


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